Fedor Bogomolov
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
New York University
“Algebraic varieties over small fields”
In my talk I will dicsuss some of our new results ( mostly obtained in joint works with
Yuri Tschinkel) on the structure of closed points on some algebraic varieties defined over
p( algebraic closure of finite field) and Q.As it happends the corresponding varieties have many special geometric properties which
distingush them from the algebraic varieties defined over bigger fields( for example over
complex numbers or F
p(t)In particular I will discuss our results on rational connectedness of Kummer K3-surfaces
defined over F
p. This result highlights the difference between complex geometry ( whereit is not true) and geometry over small fields.
Martedì 21 ottobre 2008
ore 16.00
Aula Mancini
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7