Mini corso: 'Integrability in classical mechanics'
4 lezioni (8h)
lecturer: Alain Albouy (IMCCE, Paris)

Le prime 2 lezioni saranno
martedi'   13 Dicembre ore 15-17
mercoledi' 14 Dicembre ore 10-12
in aula seminari, Dip. di Matematica

Abstract: a phenomenological observation of conservative systems in
classical mechanics is that they form two very distinct classes, the
integrable ones and the non-integrable ones. But different authors however
disagree about many examples. A basic example is the repulsive 3-body
problem, considered by some as integrable, by others as non-integrable.

I will present Bruns and Poincare' classical non-integrability arguments
for the 3-body problem, and more recent results. I will discuss several
attempts of definition of integrability, and see what they give on
the very basic examples of integrable systems in classical mechanics:
central force, two-fixed centers, rigid body, etc.

  Liviana Paoletti
  Segreteria Scientifica

Dipartimento di Matematica
"L. Tonelli" Universita' di Pisa
tel. 0502213251