Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2020/2021Mercoledì 26 maggio 2021ore 15:00
Paola Caselli( Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik )terrà un seminario dal titolo
“Our Astrochemical Origins”
All ingredients to make stars like our Sun and planets like our Earth are present in dense cold interstellar clouds. In these "stellar-system precursors" an active chemistry is already at work, as demonstrated by the presence of a rich variety of organic molecules in the gas phase and icy mantles encapsulating the sub-micrometer dust grains, the building blocks of planets. Here, I’ll present a journey from the earliest phases of star formation to protoplanetary disks, with links to our Solar System, highlighting the crucial role of astrochemistry as powerful diagnostic tool of the various steps present in the journey.Classe di ScienzeIl seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. link per collegarsi all'evento:Valeria GiulianiScuola Normale SuperioreServizio alla Didattica e Allievitel. 050 509260Piazza dei Cavalieri, 756126 PisaE-mail: valeria.giuliani@sns.itE-mail: