Inoltro annuncio a me pervenuto.
Cordiali saluti
Liviana Paoletti
----- Original Message -----
From: Centro De Giorgi
To: Liviana Paoletti

The Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi is organising an intensive research period on "Knots and Applications" that will take place at the Centre from May 2nd till July 31st 2011. The research activity will include schools, workshops and one international conference.
On behalf of the organisers we are sending attached hereto the flyer with the general programme, as well as the flyer announcing the joint ESF-EMS-CRM-Pi international conference to be held in July. We would be extremely grateful if you could have this information circulated in your department.
Financial support can be made available upon application.
Deadline for applications to participate in the ESF-EMS-CRM-Pi international conference is April 26th, 2011.
Detailed information about the trimester, single events and the international conference is available on the Centro De Giorgi's website at , while additional information about the international conference, with special reference to the application procedure, can be obtained on the ESF website at
Thank you in advance for your attention and collaboration.
With kindest regards,
Caterina D'Elia
Scuola Normale Superiore
Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Palazzo Puteano
Piazza dei Cavalieri 3
56100 PISA
fax +39 050 509177