mercoledì 28 marzo 2007

ore 16.00


Scuola Normale Superiore


(Aula Russo)


Niels Borne

Université de Lille


Terrà  un seminario dal titolo:


An algebraic approach of fundamental

 groups of pointed curves





Let X be a smooth projective algebraic curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and D a finite set of points. Then the étale fundamental group of X-D (that by definition classifies finite covers of X unramified outside of D) is well known by analytic methods : this is the (profinite) topological fundamental group of a Riemann surface of same genus. A famous problem is to find an algebraic proof of this fact. I will start with the central example where X is the projective line minus 3 points, and show that we can describe algebraically the solvable covers in this case. Then I will describe a more general attempt, based on parabolic sheaves.



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