Prossimi seminari


Euclidean volume of a cone manifold over any hyperbolic knot is an algebraic number - Nikolay Abrosimov

Data: 2024-11-12 - ore: 14:30 - 15:30 - luogo: Aula Magna (Department of Mathematics)

Dirac and Bogomolny monopoles - Guido Franchetti

Data: 2024-11-12 - ore: 14:30 - 15:30 - luogo: Aula Riunioni (ex-DMA)

From the America's Cup to the quantum realm: a math journey - Nicola Giuliani

Data: 2024-11-12 - ore: 18:00 - 19:00 - luogo: Aula Magna (Department of Mathematics)

Non-Reductive GIT and Moduli Spaces of Unstable Objects - George Cooper

Data: 2024-11-13 - ore: 15:00 - 16:00 - luogo: Aula Seminari (Department of Mathematics)

Divisibility patterns of ultrafilters - Boris Sobot

Data: 2024-11-14 - ore: 10:00 - 11:00 - luogo: Aula Seminari (Department of Mathematics)

Limiting behavior of minimizing $p$-harmonic maps in 3d as $p$ goes to $2$ with finite fundamental group - Bohdan Bulanyi

Data: 2024-11-14 - ore: 17:00 - 18:00 - luogo: Aula Riunioni (Department of Mathematics)

Prossime conferenze a Pisa


Presentation of 2023-24 PhD Couses

Date: 2024-11-13 — 2024-11-13 - luogo: Aula Magna (Department of Mathematics)

Ultime notizie


24 incarichi di attività integrative di tutorato (Fondo Sostegno Giovani – a.a. 2024-2025, I semestre, II semestre e annuali)

Pubblicato il 7 Novembre 2024 - in Bandi, Collaborazioni studentesche