

Mercoledì 12 ottobre 2005

ore 16.30

Scuola Normale Superiore


(Aula Fermi – Collegio Fermi)


Emanuele Viterbo

Politecnico di Torino



Terrà  un seminario dal titolo:


“Signal Constellation Designs For Digital Transmission Over Wireless Channels”





Multidimensional cubic lattice signal constellations with specified modulation diversity have been recently proposed  for transmission over the fading channel.

Given a cubic lattice constellation the desired modulation diversity is obtained by applying a suitable rotation.

In this talk, we give an overview of the of the digital transmission problem and consider the constructions of rotated cubic lattices using ideal lattices.

In particular, we analyze two families of totally real number fields: - the maximal real subfield of a cyclotomic field - cyclic fields of odd prime degree.

Then we provide a technique to combine these constructions to build rotated cubic lattices in higher dimensions.



Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.