Giovedì 23 novembre 2017
ore 15:00
Scuola Normale Superiore
Aula Bianchi Scienze
Blazej Wrobel
(Università di Wroclaw, Polonia e di Università di Bonn, Germania)
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
“Dimension-free variational inequalities for averaging operators in R^d”
In 1982 E.M. Stein proved that the centered Hardy-Littlewood maximal function for the Euclidean ball satisfies dimension-free estimates on L^p(R^d) 1<p<\infty. Stein's result has been later generalized to include other symmetric convex bodies by Bourgain, Carbery, and Müller. The purpose of this talk is to describe a recent variation on the same theme, with the supremum in the definition of the maximal function being replaced by the r-variational seminorm. The talk is based on joint work with Jean Bourgain, Mariusz Mirek, and Elias M. Stein.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali