Venerdi 26 ottobre, alle ore 15, il prof. Vlad Bally (UNiversita' Marne La Vallee)
terra' un seminario dal titolo
"Malliavin Calculus in a
weak sense and applications to diffusions with jumps".
Il seminario si
svolgera' nella SALA DEI SEMINARI del Dipartimento di Matematica,
1 Malliavin calculus in a weak sense and appli-
cations to di¤usions with jumps
We present an abstract version of Malliavin calculus. A speci.c point is that we
do no more approximate general functionals with simple functionals in
L2 sensbut in law. This permits to treat problems which are out of rich for the standard
calculus. We present the following application. We consider the equation
t = x + Z t0
ZR Z 10
(z;Xs)1fu<(Xs;zgdN(s; z; u)where
N is a Poisson point measure of intensity measure dsdzdu1u>0: Thein.nitesimal operator of this Markov process is
Kf(x) = RR(f(x + c(z; x)) f(x))(x; z)dz: Under appropriate hypothesis we prove that the law of Xt isabsolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and has a smooth
density. Notice that the coe¢ cient in the equation is discontinuous and so
the standard Malliavin calculus for Poisson point processes, as it is stated in
Bichteler Gravereux Jacod, does not apply.