Inoltro avviso di Convegno a me pervenuto. Cordiali saluti Liviana Paoletti
Real Analytic and Nash Functions and Related Topics Pisa February 16-21,
2009 >> Dipartimento di Matematica- Aula Magna
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Program Monday 16 10.00-10.30 Opening 10.30-11.30 J.J.Risler On the total curvature of a real affine algebraic variety 12.00-13.00 F. Acquistapace Global semianalytic sets 14.30-15.30 M.Edmundo Poincare'-Verdier duality in o-minimal structures 15.30-16.30 L.Prelli Sheaves on subanalytic sites 17.00-18.00 L.Broecker TBA
Tuesday 17 10.30-11.30 E.Bierstone Resolution except for minimal singularities 12.00-13.00 W.Pawlucki On a theorem of Guillome Valette 14.30-15.30 M.E.Alonso TBA 15.30-16.30 J.Fernando On the ring of Nash functions on a semialgebraic set 17.00-18.00 D.Mady The semialgebraic h-cobordism and s-cobordism theorems
Wednesday 18 10.30-11.30 A.Parusinski The weight filtration for real algebraic varieties 12.00-13.00 G.Fichou On blow-Nash equivalence
Thursday 19 10.30-11.30 J. Huisman On the topology of nonsingular compact affine real algebraic hypersurfaces 12.00-13.00 L. Pernazza On the regularity of well-chosen roots of parameter-dependent polynomial 14.30-15.30 A.ElKhadiri Weierstrass division in quasianalytic local rings 15.30-16.30 I.Karolkiewicz An algebraic formula for the intersection number of a polynomial immersion 17.00-18.00 A.Nowel Immersions of spheres and algeraically constructible functions
Friday 20 10.30-11.30 S.Spodzieja On the Lojasiewicz exponent at infinity of a polynomial mapping 12.00-13.00 D.Gondard On the number of connected components of smooth real varieties 14.30-15.30 C.Delzell A new, simpler finitary construction of the real closure of a 'discrete' ordered field 15.30-16.30 A.Prestel On the Connectedness Conjecture in dimension 2
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