SEMINARIO 14:00-16:00, Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) The mathematics of viral hepatitis B and C A. d'Onofrio (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano)
Abstract: Probably the most important case of a mathematical model that influenced medicine (both in basic research and in clinics) is given by the mathematical models of HCV and HBV dynamics and of antiviral therapies. I will review some of them (mainly those by the Perelson's and Bonino's research groups, and mainly focusing on HCV) by stressing the current "grand challenge": how to use and improve those models in order to understand the problem of the disease-relapse during and after the antivial therapies ? In particular, I will stress how apparently abstract mathematical concepts (global asymptotic stability, Floquet's eigenvalues, optimal control, hybrid gillespie algorithms, delay differential equations) map into practical clinical problems (disease erdication, drug schedulings, late and ultra-late disease relapse).
Liviana Paoletti Segreteria Scientifica
Dipartimento di Matematica "L. Tonelli" Universita' di Pisa tel. 0502213251 e-mail
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