Dear Gianna,
I hope you are fine!
This email is to let you know that we have 2 open 4-year PhD positions at TU Eindhoven per March 1, 2019 in the "BIGMATH" project; I will be the main academic advisor.
These are 2 Marie Curie EID (European Industrial Doctorate) positions, together with industry in Milano (AcomeA and SDG).
The PhD students will spend ca 28 months in Eindhoven and 20 months in Milano.
Your friend Alessandra Micheletti is also involved in this project.
All information is available at
The project descriptions can be found there; the topics might include numerical linear algebra, big data, large-scale optimization, modeling, probability and statistics, model reduction.
The deadline is December 5.
Could you please forward this info to potentially interested students?
Thank you very much in advance! All the very best and kind regards,
Michiel Hochstenbach
PS: There are also 2 positions at the University of Milano (please see; for those positions the restriction is a presence of <= 12 months in Italy over the last 3 years (this is not a restriction for the Eindhoven positions). Moreover, there are 2 positions in Lisbon and 1 in Novi Sad.