Inoltro il seguente annuncio di seminario.
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Car* tutt*,
giovedi 6 giugno alle 14.30 in aula Dal Passo, Dipartimento di
Matematica, Roma Tor Vergata, il Prof. John Pearson (University of
Edinburgh) terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Recent Developments in the Numerical Solution of PDE-Constrained
Optimization Problems".
Il seminario può essere seguito online usando il link:
Vi prego di diffondere l'annuncio fra i possibili interessati.
ABSTRACT: Optimization problems subject to PDE constraints form a
mathematical tool that can be applied to a wide range of
scientific processes, including fluid flow control, medical
imaging, option pricing, biological and chemical processes, and
electromagnetic inverse problems, to name a few. These problems
involve minimizing some function arising from a particular
physical objective, while at the same time obeying a system of
PDEs which describe the process. It is necessary to obtain
accurate solutions to such problems within a reasonable CPU time,
in particular for time-dependent problems, for which the
“all-at-once” solution can lead to extremely large linear systems.
In this talk we consider iterative methods, in particular Krylov
subspace methods, to solve such systems, accelerated by fast and
robust preconditioning strategies. In particular, we will survey
several new developments, including block preconditioners for
fluid flow control problems, a circulant preconditioning framework
for solving certain optimization problems constrained by
fractional differential equations, and multiple saddle-point
preconditioners for block tridiagonal linear systems. We will
illustrate the benefit of using these new approaches through a
range of numerical experiments.
This talk is based on work with Santolo Leveque (Scuola Normale
Superiore, Pisa), Spyros Pougkakiotis (Yale University), Jacek
Gondzio (University of Edinburgh), and Andreas Potschka (TU
This talk is part of the activity of the MUR Excellence Department
Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006).
Dr. Mariarosa Mazza
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 00133, Rome, Italy
Tel: 0039 06-7259-4636