
ricevo ed  inoltro l'annuncio per il workshop ``Random excursions
with Jean Bertoin". Attenzione alla scadenza imminente per la registrazione.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Grégory Miermont <gregory.miermont@ens-lyon.fr>
Date: sab 8 mag 2021 alle ore 00:20
Subject: "Random excursions with Jean Bertoin", second announcement - please register before May 15th

[Apologies for multiple postings]

Dear friends, dear colleagues,

This is the second announcement for the conference "Random excursions
with Jean Bertoin" in honour of his 60th birthday, to be held in Paris,
Sorbonne Université, July 5 to 9, 2021.

All relevant information will be available on the conference website at
the address http://jb60.math.cnrs.fr  which will be regularly updated.
Registration, via this webpage, is free but mandatory.

Please note that registration will be closed on May 15th.

Given the current pandemic situation, part of the public and of the speakers
will have to attend the conference online. As you register, please indicate
whether you would agree to participate from home if needed. We will soon
contact all registered participants with information about attending the
conference in person or remotely.

If you have any questions you can contact Franziska Robmann at

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might be

We hope to see you all in July!
Best wishes,

Grégory Miermont, for the organizers.

Prof. Alessandra Faggionato

Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome

Office 5, Phone  (0039)  06 49913252