Venerdì 28 Novembre 2014 alle ore 14.00
presso l’Aula di Rappresentanza del Dipartimento di Matematica,
Via Saldini, 50, Milano
Tom Hurd
Mc Master University
terrà un seminario dal titolo: Percolation and Financial Cascades
Abstract: Exact results in percolation theory on random graphs rely on a property known as the ``tree ansatz'', which is known to be asymptotically true on the family of configuration graphs. The question arises whether percolation ideas are relevant l for understanding systemic risk in financial networks. In this talk, I will review models of financial contagion, such as the Eisenberg-Noe model and its alternatives. Along the way, I will propose definitions for ``random financial network'' (RFN) and ``locally treelike independence'' (LTI), and explore these definitions' mathematical consequences. In the end, comparison of analytical approximations to