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From: Dieter Mitsche <dmitsche@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 9:23 PM
Subject: Postdoc position in random graphs / discrete probability

Dear colleagues,

I am currently advertising a postdoc position in discrete probability/random graphs (one year, deadline January 15). Please transfer the announcement below to potential candidates. 

Thanks in advance,


Postdoc position at Univ. Jean Monnet / Institut Camille Jordan for 2019 (1 year)
(you may also click on this link for more details: https://math.unice.fr/~dmitsche/Postdoc.pdf)

Applications are invited for a 12-month-postdoctoral fellowship in discrete probability at Université Jean Monnet, Institut Camille Jordan. The position is funded by IDEX Lyon IMPULSION.

Research areas: random graphs, random geometric (hyperbolic) graphs, random walks, discrete probability in general. 

Practical informations:
- The position is for one year (12 months) with a salary of approx. 27K Euro (in the case of less than 3 years experience after the PhD) and approx. 34K Euro (between 3 and 6 years experience after the PhD).
- Financial support to attend workshops / invite collaborators will be granted.
- No teaching
- A lot of activity around discrete probability going on
- The starting date is flexible, between February and September 2019. The candidate should indicate the preferred starting date in the application letter.

Application and deadline:
Applications including a CV, a list of publications and an approximately two-page description of research interests should be sent by email to Dieter Mitsche: dmitsche@gmail.com.
Applicants should also arrange two recommendation letters (to be sent to the same address). Informal inquiries can be sent to the same address. Deadline for applications: January 15th, 2019, and then on a rolling basis.