ricevo da Omer Angel ed inoltro volentieri.
Alessandra Faggionato


Dear colleague,

The 2022 PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability will be held at the University of British Columbia from May 30 to June 24, 2022. This month-long program, originally planned for 2020, is especially appropriate for young researchers in probability, although others may of course attend. While there is still uncertainty stemming from covid regarding travel and conferences, we are hopeful that the school will be able to run this summer.

The main courses will be given by Ivan Corwin (Columbia University), and Frank den Hollander (University of Leiden). Their respective titles are

Interacting particle systems, growth models, stochastic PDEs and directed polymers through the lens of the stochastic six vertex model


Metastability for interacting particle systems

Three 3-hour mini courses will be given by Paul Bourgade, Jean-Francois Le Gall and Nike Sun. There will also be an opportunity for some participants to give short talks on their own research. More information about the program may be found on the School's website at http://www.math.ubc.ca/Links/ssprob22

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who will attend the entire summer school can apply for financial support for on-campus accommodation through mathjobs: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/18950

Major support for the conference has been provided by PIMS, CRM, NSF, and the Department of Mathematics at UBC. Questions can be directed to one of the UBC organizers listed below.

Please forward this email to students and postdocs who may be interested in attending.


Louigi Addario-Berry <louigi.addario@mcgill.ca>
Omer Angel <angel@math.ubc.ca>
Jonathan Hermon <jhermon@math.ubc.ca>
Mathav Murugan <mathav@math.ubc.ca>
Gordon Slade <slade@math.ubc.ca>