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Applications are invited for a PhD position in applied mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M):

  • Application deadline June 16th, 2019

  • Starting on September 1st, 2019 (or as soon as possible thereafter)

  • Gross annual salary 15540 € (initial)

  • One year contract, extensible to up to 3 years and a half.

The PhD project consists in developing novel algorithms for Probabilistic (aka Stochastic) Domain Decomposition (PDD), as well as helping in the coding of a C++/MPI library for PDD. The work load of the selected candidate will be equally split between both tasks. The ultimate goal is to produce a large-scale proof of concept of the method and compete for the Gordon Bell Prize for Parallel Computing. There is also the possibility of teaching at the Engineering School of UC3M.

This area of research lies in the overlap of stochastic calculus, numerical methods for PDEs, high-performance parallel computing and scientific software development. Candidates are expected to have a background in applied mathematics (specially PDEs and numerics), as well as in scientific programming. Knowledge of stochastic processes, experience in C++, Matlab and MPI, and/or previous research experience in applied maths are a definite plus. The selected candidate will be supervised during her/his PhD by Dr. Francisco Bernal. PhD is expected to take 3-4 years, and it is funded by the Talento Program of the Madrid Regional Government (Project 2018-T1/TIC-10914).

Selection will take place based on academic excellence and suitability for the PhD position.

Minimum qualifications are: an official university degree in Maths, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science or Engineering with at least 300 ECTS credits, and being fluent in spoken and written English (Spanish is a plus). Candidates must first be admitted in the PhD Program in Mathematical Enginnering, see full requirements below:


This PhD Program sports an official quality distinction. UC3M is one of the leading Spanish public universities in a modern campus on the outskirts of Madrid; the Department of Mathematics hosts two thirds of the current Spanish SIAM Fellows.

Applications are to be handled online below (Ref. I01-1920):


(Try flushing the cache or changing the browser if link does not load).

Please write to franciscomanuel.bernal@uc3m.es for further inquiries or expression of interest (note the pending deadline).

Francisco Bernal
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy - ESP
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090