Kind All,
on behalf of the Steering Committee, I am pleased to inform you of the following deadline extensions for MAF2024.
My apologies for any cross-posting.
Best regards, Marco Corazza

11th International Conference

University of Le Havre Normandie, Le Havre Cedex (FR) - April 4-6, 2024

(-)   Deadline extension
(1) Abstract submission: January 28, 2024 - Notification of abstract acceptance: February 10, 2024
(2) Paper submission: January 14, 2024 - Notification of paper acceptance: January 24, 2024 [unchanged] - The final version of the paper, revised according the peer review, must be sent by February 6, 2024 [unchanged]

On this occasion, we would like to remind:

(-)   Abstracts can be submitted to (free format).

(-)   Short papers (4 to 6 pages) can be submitted to, according to the Springer template downloadable from

(-)   Proposals for organized sessions have to be sent to In the text, indicate please: name(s) and affiliation(s) of the organizer(s); title of the session; names, affiliations, and addresses of the speakers.

(-)   Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Actuarial models; Analysis of high-frequency data; Artificial Intelligence; Behavioural finance; Blockchain technologies; Commodity markets analysis; Credit risk methods and models; Decentralized Finance; Digital asset analysis; ESG finance; FinTech and InsurTech; Financial econometrics; Forecasting of dynamical actuarial and financial phenomena; Fund performance evaluation; Insurance portfolio analysis; Interest rate models; Life insurance; Longevity; Machine Learning in actuarial sciences and finance; Management in insurance business; Methods and models for time series analysis; Models for financial derivatives; Multivariate techniques for financial analysis; Pensions; Optimization methods for insurance and finance; Pricing; Probability in actuarial sciences and finance; Real-world finance; Risk management; Solvency analysis; Sovereign risk; Static and dynamic portfolio selection and management; Text analysis in finance; Trading systems.