To the members of the
The Faculty of Economics and Management of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is
seeking excellent candidates to fill the following academic position
Associate Professor in Statistics
(13/D1 - SECS-S/01)
Bozen-Bolzano Campus
The candidate should have a PhD in Statistics or related fields, obtained in Italy or abroad, and an excellent record of international
scientific publications, preferably with an applied focus.
The position offered is at the Associate Professor level in Statistics (Professore Associato SECS-S/01 in the Italian system).
This is a tenured full-time position with a teaching load of 120 hours/year.
The salary is competitive with that of top European universities.
Approximate starting date: January 2018
For more information, please contact Prof. Mirco Tonin –
For general information about the position, terms and conditions of working at the Faculty of Economics and Management please contact
the Dean Prof. Oswin Maurer –
According to Italian legislation, only candidates already
holding an equivalent academic position (Associate Professor) at their current foreign university are qualifying for a “direct call from abroad”. The Faculty is particularly interested in applicants who will substantially contribute to
its strong cross-disciplinary international research, as well as to its multilingual teaching culture. All else equal, preference will be given to candidates with an interest in applied economics or econometrics.
Furthermore, applicants need to meet the following conditions:
record of excellence in scholarship at the international level, demonstrated by an appropriate publication record in leading international journals;
evidence of high-quality teaching and mentoring;
significant level of service to the department, the university, and the profession;
knowledge of at least two of the three official teaching languages at the Faculty of Economics and Management (German, Italian, English).
The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore specifically
encourages female scientists to submit their expression of interest.
About the Faculty
The Faculty of Economics and Management was founded in 1998 and now counts over 1000 students and more than 50 faculty members who study and work in
three languages: German, Italian and English. Through academic excellence in research and teaching, the Faculty contributes to the development of the South-Tyrolean economy while being solidly connected to international scientific networks.
Research carried out in our faculty has been ranked no 2 in the Research Quality Evaluation in Italy in 2017 and the university is among
the Top-10 small universities worldwide by THE (Times Higher Education).
The working language of the Faculty of Economics and Management is English but teaching is done also in German and Italian.
More information is available on the Faculty’s website:
Application procedure
Please send your expression of interest, together with a detailed curriculum vitae, a list of publications, an indication of your
research focus, a short description of courses taught, your teaching evaluations, as well as a statement of your current academic position. We recommend the use of the form “Attachment A – University Academic CV” available on the following website:
Your application, duly signed and dated on the last page, must be sent to Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Economics
and Management, attn. Mrs. Monika Bauer, Universitätsplatz 1, 39100 Bozen, or by e-mail:
Expressions of interest will be accepted until September 13, 2017. Short-listed
candidates will be invited to a skype interview on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 and afterwards to a personal interview provisionally scheduled for Wednesday, October 11, 2017.
Faculty of Economics and Management
Freie Universität Bozen - Libera Università di Bolzano
Universitätsplatz 1 Piazza Università
I-39100 Bozen - Bolzano
Tel.: +39 0471 013 015
Fax: +39 0471 013 009
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