Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to announce that the 20th edition of the Young European Probabilists (YEP) workshop Interacting Particle Systems on Random Structures will take place on 23-27 June, 2025 in EURANDOM at Eindhoven University of Technology. 

The workshop will feature 3 mini-courses by the following distinguished speakers:


- Shankar Bhamidi (University of the North Carolina)

- Cristian Giardinà (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

- Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)


The workshop will also include invited talks, and short talk sessions for early postdocs and PhD students based on abstract proposals.


The workshop is free but registration will be mandatory. In a future announcement we will provide the link for the registration.


Please feel free to contact us for any additional information.

Looking forward to meeting you in Eindhoven!

The organising committee,
Simone Baldassarri, Remco van der Hofstad, Vanessa Jacquier, Matthias Löwe 


The organizers of this workshop are committed to ensuring that scientific events are accessible to everyone, regardless of their identity, and are devoted to creating a safe and respectful environment for all participants.

Vanessa Jacquier
Post-doctoral researcher

Department of Mathematics
University of Utrecht
Budapestlaan 6, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands.