inoltro la notizia di un Workshop indirizzato verso "Probabilistic Methods for Time Series Data Management".

Cordiali saluti,
Antonio Di Crescenzo

I would like to point out the Workshop "ProTime2021" at the conference 'Data Base and Expert System Applications' (DEXA2021) - the scope is Probabilistic Methods for Time Series Data Management:

It happens for the first time, and we are curious about the amount of interest - also, the deadline is already the 23ed of April. However, this can be talked about.

Please, if you know about interested people especially from the probability community, it would be of great value to the Workshop to have such contributions. It is a particularly good opportunity to publish probabilistic methods in the machine learning context.

Thanks for spreading the news - it would be great to have participants from your community!

With the best regards,
Florian Sobieczky