I have some funding for a 2-year postdoc position (no teaching, 2.4k€ net per month), for anyone interested in working on singular SPDEs - project funded by the ANR (National Agency of Research) within the setting of the project 'Smooth', that involves as wellN. Burq,V. Dang,A. Deya,C. Labbe,T. Robert,L. Thomann,N. Tzvetkov,C. SunL. Zambotti.The application process is simple: send (CV + cover letter) to Nikolay Tzvetkov (nikolay.tzvetkov@ens-lyon.fr) and myself. Can you please forward this information to anyone you think may be interested by this opportunity?
Best regards
Ismaël Bailleul <ismael.bailleul@univ-brest.fr>
-- Lorenzo Zambotti Postal Address: Sorbonne Universite', LPSM - Boite courrier 158 4, place Jussieu - 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
Bureau n. 22, 2eme etage, tours 16/26, Jussieu E-mail: lorenzo.zambotti@upmc.fr https://www.lpsm.paris/users/zambotti/index