Cari colleghi, 

Il gruppo di probabilità di Warwick offre borse di studio per dottorati di ricerca. Qualora conosceste qualche bravo studente di master interessato, vi pregherei di far loro presente questa possibilità e inoltrare loro la mail. 

Cordiali saluti, 
Giuseppe Cannizzaro


The Probability group at the University of Warwick (P@W) is looking for talented students to undertake their PhD studies with us.
The successful applicant will join one of the largest probability groups worldwide with an established track record of high-quality research and a broad range of interests.  The Probability group is joint between the Mathematics and Statistics Department and you can apply to either or both (recommended). See P@W for a list of potential supervisors and their affiliation; co-supervision is possible and encouraged.
The appointments include
·         fully funded scholarships for both UK and international students of the duration of 4 years;
·         a travel allowance for schools, workshops and conferences;
·         a training fund for extended research stays.
Applications are received and assessed throughout the year on a first-come-first-served basis, with the prestigious Chancellor scholarship has a deadline of 9th December 2024. For more information on funding please visit the webpage at the following link.
The programme consists of 6 months of research training with the possibility to attend graduate level courses taught by leading experts. Further, it is enriched by a variety of activities: 3 dedicated weekly seminarsresearch focus groups on cutting-edge topics; minicourses, workshops and conferences, ensuring a continued presence of international and distinguished visitors.

Useful links: