Dear Colleagues,
we would like to invite you to the following Probability seminar that 
will take place at the Department of Mathematics of Padova, on January 31.

Speaker:  Alessandra Cipriani (TU Delft)

Title: Dynamical fitness models: evidence of universality classes for preferential attachment

 31 JANUARY (Friday), 11:30; ROOM 1BC45, Dipartimento di Matematica 
“Tullio Levi-Civita”, Via Trieste 63, Padova

Abstract: In this talk we study different variations of a particular class 
of random graphs called preferential attachment models with fitness. 
These are dynamic graphs in which, at every time step, a new node attaches 
itself to an older one with probability proportional to the degree and a random
 factor associated to the node, called the fitness.
Motivated by learning mechanisms of real-life networks, we assume the fitness 
to be a Moving Average process MA(q) with positive increments. 
We study different properties of such models, for example the degree distribution,
 the attachment probability and the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation.
 Finally we provide evidence that, tuning the parameters of the fitness process,
 we fall into two universality classes represented by the well-known 
Albert-Barabàsi model and Bianconi-Barabàsi model. 
This implies the robustness of heavy tails in the degree distribution 
under random perturbations of the attachment rule.

All of you are very welcome.

Best regards,
Alessandra Bianchi 

Alessandra Bianchi
Dip. di Matematica
Università di Padova

Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova, Italy

phone:    +39 049 827 14 06
fax:        +39 049 827 14 28