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Segnalo questa ottima opportunità di dottorato ad Eindhoven (TU/e) per 5 anni con Nelly Litvak. Scadenza tra poche settimane.

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Fully funded PhD-TA position in Algorithms for Complex Networks at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.

Deadline: June 16, 2024

As a PhD TA candidate you will develop new distributed algorithms for large networks and analyze these algorithms using probability theory and the theory of random graphs. In particular, you will study algorithms for computing the stationary distribution of random walks and policy evaluation. Random walks are used in network analysis for ranking vertices, community detection, and embedding of the vertices in multi-dimensional space for machine learning tasks. Policy evaluation is widely used in reinforcement learning, for instance, for training large language models.

The PhD TA position is for 5 years with 25% of your time spent on education.

The applicants are required to have MSc in mathematics or applied mathematics.

Eindhoven University of Technology offers excellent conditions of employment:


See more detail on the website:



Prof.dr. Nelly Litvak

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Eindhoven University of Technology