dal Prof. Amine Asselah (Marsiglia/ Parigi):


Applications are invited for a post-doctoral
position in Probability at Marseille
(Aix-Marseille Université).

The position can start October 1st 2014.

It is a two-years position, funded by the
Fondation Universitaire AMIDEX d'Aix-Marseille,
with a stipend of 1960 euros (and 2300 if more than
3 years experience after the thesis).

Applicants should write BEFORE JULY 10th to
Amine Asselah at amine.asselah@u-pec.fr
-Research Projects
-Letter of Recommendation.

For information on the probability group
members and activities at marseille please go to

Best Regards,
Amine Asselah

Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics
University La Sapienza
Piazzale A. Moro, 2
00186 Rome - Italy