September 6-10, 2021
Sapienza Università di Roma, Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering, Antonio Ruberti
The school will have a group of prestigious scholars giving tutorials and research seminars. Among them: Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, José Correa, Michal Feldman, Renato Paes Leme, and Eva Tardos.
The presence of all the speakers will be determined by the traveling constraints at the time of the school. Some of the speakers may have to take part in the school online.
Partial support for local expenses and travel will be made available for at most 25 international students
from COST countries by the COST GAMENET project.
If you intend to attend the school, please fill out this
form by
June 15, 2021.
For further information, please contact
Please spread the word among your graduate students.
The organizers
Nicola Gatti, Stefano Leonardi, Marco Scarsini