Prof. Thomas Richthammer
(Univ. Hildesheim)

Title: The variance of particle positions in the hard disk model

When: Giovedi' 14 Maggio 2015 ORE 14:00

Where: Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
AULA 311 (SEMINARI) Largo San L. Murialdo,1

The hard disk model describes random configurations of disks in the
plane, interacting only via hard core exclusion. It is believed that
the model exhibits a weak form of crystallization for large activity
(i.e. high particle density). In spite of its simplicity, there are
only very few rigorous results on the hard disk model. I will present
a very recent result which can be interpreted as a lower bound on the
variance of particle positions in terms of the size of the system. The
result is obtained via a certain tansformation on particle
configurations. It builds on an earlier result
 concerning the absence of positional order.