Dear Fabrizio,


I hope this message finds you well.


If you have any idea of how to distribute this announcement (below) in the Italian community, this was highly appreciated.


All the best and many thanks in advance,




As part of a 6-month thematic program on quantitative risk management, the Centre de recherches math��matiques (Montr��al, Canada) will hold a workshop on ���Dependence Modeling Tools for Risk Management,��� October 2-5, 2017. This workshop will provide a unique opportunity to take stock of recent developments, identify new challenges, and foster collaboration with some 20 leading researchers in dependence modeling from academia and industry (see list below).


For a detailed program and registration, see

Students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to present a poster at the workshop. One poster session has been scheduled, as well as two sessions of short lightning talks, so that trainees can introduce themselves and their work to the entire audience. Attendance is restricted to 65 participants on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register early.

See you in Montr��al!


The organizers,

Anne-Laure Foug��res, Johanna G. Ne��lehov��, Matthias Scherer





Andr��s B��rdossy (Universit��t Stuttgart)
Axel B��cher (Ruhr-Universit��t Bochum)
Claudia Czado (Technische Universit��t M��nchen)
Alexios Galanos (Ketchum Trading, LLC)
Christian Genest (McGill University)
Benedikt Gr��ler (Ruhr-Universit��t Bochum)
Marius Hofert (University of Waterloo)
Harry Joe (University of British Columbia)
Ivan Kojadinovic (Universit�� de Pau et des Pays de l���Adour)
��tienne Marceau (Universit�� Laval)
Stefan Mittnik (Ludwig Maximilian Universit��t M��nchen)
Philippe Naveau (CEA-Orme des Merisiers)
Marc Paolella (Universit��t Z��rich)
Andrew Patton (Duke University)
Gianfausto Salvadori (Universit�� del Salento)
Andrew Smith (Deloitte LLP)
Luitgard Veraart (London School of Economics)


Mit freundlichen Gr����en

Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherer


Technische Universit��t M��nchen

Fakult��t f��r Mathematik

Lehrstuhl f��r Finanzmathematik

Parkring 11, 85748 Garching-Hochbr��ck

Tel. +49 89 289 17402