Dear all,

With Season over, it is time to look ahead towards Season 5 of the One World ABC seminar. A few info on this regard:
  • The nominations for next OWABC speakers are now open. If you would like to hear from someone or would like to propose your nomination, please send an email to me ( or to any of the other OWABC Organisers with the name of the speaker and a link to the relevant works (preprints are welcome).
  • We are glad to announce that Clara Grazian (University of Sidney) and David Frazier (Monash University) are now member of the Organising Committee. 
  • Next year seminars are expected to run at 8am or 8.30am UK time. Obviously, ad-hoc arrangements will be taken when having speakers from America.
I would like to wish you a great summer/winter break,
Massimiliano on the behalf of the OWABC Organisers

Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick