Lunedì 6 marzo

Ore 16:00, Aula di Consiglio

Seminario di probabilità e statistica matematica

Mauro Piccioni

Conditional iid structures in exchangeable multivariate distributions: from Marshall-Olkin to “load sharing” models

The discovery of a conditional iid structure allows the understanding of the dependence contained in a d-variate distribution as generated by an exogenous latent factor .  According to the celebrated de Finetti ‘s theorem this is equivalent to the possibility of defining an infinitely exchangeable sequence of random variables with the given d-marginal. In parametric classes of multivariate distributions, the determination of the values of the parameter corresponding to a structure of this type  is a difficult problem which have been solved only in a few cases. In the talk the elegant theory developed by Mai and Scherer for the Marshall-Olkin distribution will be reviewed and some partial results for “load-sharing” models will be presented (joint work with Gerard Letac and Fabio Spizzichino).

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare. I seminari proseguiranno durante il secondo semestre ogni lunedì con cadenza settimanale.