Dear all,

I hope you are keeping safe and well.

Inspired by the One World Probability Seminar, we decided to run The ABC World Seminar, a weekly/fortnightly series of seminars that will take place on Blackboard collaborate on Thursdays at 9am [UK time]. The idea is to gather members and disseminate results and innovation during these weeks and months under lockdown.
The first speaker will be Dennis Prangle on "Distilling importance sampling" on 9th April. Please sign up to the mailing list to be able to join the talk.

Full details are available on the webpage

Please share this email to anyone who may be interested.

Best wishes,
Massimiliano Tamborrino, on behalf of the ABC World Seminar Organisers.

Dr. Massimiliano Tamborrino
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Warwick