from Vincent Audigier,

Applied Mathematic Department, Agrocampus Ouest
65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Tel: (+33)2 23 48 54 76

Dear colleagues,

The statistic department of Agrocampus and the data mining group
of the french statistical society organize the international conference
on missing values and matrix completion MissData in Rennes (France)
from 18 to 19 June 2015 at Agrocampus Ouest. The conference website is:

The objective of this conference is to spotlight the latest research
in missing values and matrix completion. We aim to bring together
theoretical and applied researchers from different fields of application
such as in social-science, genetics, medical analysis, survey,
collaborative filtering, image reconstruction, etc.

The program comprises R tutorials, invited lectures,
a lightning talk session and a lively poster session during the reception.
Awards will be given to up to three posters.

The invited speakers are some of the main contributors on the topic
from different fields:*Mouna Akacha*  (Novartis, Switzerland),
*Christophe Biernaki*  (University Lille 1, France),*Stefan van Buuren*
(University of Utrecht, the Netherlands),*John W. Graham*  (Pennsylvania State
University, US),*David Haziza*, (Montreal University, Canada),*Olga Klopp*
(Paris Ouest University, France),*Roderick Little*  (University of Michigan,
US),*Joseph L. Schaefer*  (Census Bureau, Washignton, US),*Shaun Seaman*
(Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, UK),*Pierre Vandergheynst*
(EPFL, Switzerland),*Recai Yucel*  (University Albany, US).

We would be glad to have you as a participant or even better as a

Important date:
*Early bird registration and poster/lightning talk
submission deadline : April 1, 2015*


Vincent Audigier from the committee.