
1 Post-doctoral fellowship for 2014-2015


The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has an open call for 1 Post-doctoral position (1+1 year) 
funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research in the framework of the FIRB project  “Stochastic processes in interacting particle systems: duality, metastability and applications”

Short description:
The candidate is expected to work on interacting particle systems, with emphasis on non-equilibrium processes and population dynamics, including their algorithmic aspects. Specific research topics include Markov stochastic processes (both diffusions and jump processes) and large deviations theory. The aim is to develop probabilistic tools, such as duality theory, for the analysis of stochastic processes in the context of mathematical population genetics and its applications to importance sampling algorithms with cloning.

Job requirements:
- Early stage researcher with background in mathematical physics, probability, statistical mechanics;
- PhD in Mathematics or PhD in Physics (obtained or soon to be obtained);

- shaped scientific personality, independent thinker;
- author of recent publications on peer-reviewed international journals;
- strong theoretical background but also an interest in application-oriented research.

27.429 euros (gross) per year.

The deadline for application is January 7th, 2014 and the position has to start before February 28th, 2014. Interested candidates can contact Prof. Cristian Giardina’ (cristian.giardina@unimore.it, +39 338 6115896). They are welcome to ask questions when filling in the application form. Please also include in your application the contact information of two researchers who are acquainted with your previous work.
The call  (english version) is available at:
The call (italian version) is available at: