Un'interessante possibilità di post-doc all’Università di Friburgo (v. sotto).

Buon primo maggio a tutti!

Claudio Fontana

Applications are invited for a postdoc position at the Department of Mathematical Stochastics, University of Freiburg.

The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. and has an excellent profile in mathematical finance, insurance mathematics, stochastic processes or a related field. The position is funded by a DFG research grant and will study fundamental valuation questions in the area of insurance contracts linked to financial market. The excellent research environment in Freiburg offers optimal scientific conditions for deep and highest-level research.

The contract is for an initial time of two years, an extension is possible. Review of applications begins immediately. The starting point is quite flexible, but we hope to start the work on this exciting project in summer.
For inquiries please contact Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt (thorsten.schmidt at stochastik.uni-freiburg,de) Please send your application in PDF format (cover letter, CV, research statement) per email to Monika Hattenbach (htb at stochastik.uni-freiburg.de) with reference „Post Doc Position“.  
Additionally, we ask for two letters of reference which should be sent directly to the same address.