Dear colleagues,

I’d like to draw your attention to the following open positions (one PhD and one Post-Doc) in Berlin. Please, feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested.

"The Weierstrass Institute in Berlin (WIAS) invites applications for a two positions, one at post-doctoral level and one for a PhD student.  Both positions are in the newly founded Leibniz Junior Research Group “Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks” (Head: Dr. B. Jahnel); the positions are available immediately.

The successful candidates will perform rigorous probabilistic and analytic mathematical work on dynamical spatial random geometric systems as models for future telecommunication networks, in collaboration with other group members and partners at WIAS, in industry and in academia. The research results shall be published in scientific journals and technical reports, and presented at conferences. 

The applicants must at a minimum hold a master’s degree in mathematics or related fields with high emphasis on probability. For the post-doctoral position a PhD in mathematics should be completed or very close to completion. Knowledge in statistical physics, interacting particle systems,  or stochastic geometry will be important. 
Please direct scientific queries to Dr. B. Jahnel (
The appointment is initially limited for 24 months. The work schedule is 39 hours per week, and the salary is according to the German TVoeD scale. 
Please see the following links for more information and in order to apply: (post-doc) and (PhD).

Please note that the deadline for applications is 31 December.

Best wishes,

Luisa Andreis

Post-Doc researcher
WIAS-Weierstrass Institute
Mohrenstrasse 39, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Personal webpage: