Dear all.

The next session of the One World Probability Seminar will be this Thursday (November 30)  from 14:00 to 16:00 UTC time.The speakers of this session are Vittoria Silvestri (University of Rome La Sapienza) and James Norris (University of Cambridge).

Title, abstract and the zoom link are below the signature and can be also found on the website

Kind regards, Ilya Chevyrev and Julio Backhoff.

Title: Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models

Abstract: The ALE (Aggregate Loewner Evolution) models describe growing random clusters on the complex plane, built by iterated composition of random conformal maps. A striking feature of these models is that they can be used to define natural off-lattice analogues of several fundamental discrete models, such as Eden growth or  Diffusion Limited Aggregation, by tuning the correlation between the defining maps appropriately. In this talk I will introduce the ALE models, which include Hastings-Levitov models as particular cases, and discuss their large scale behaviour. Based on joint work with James Norris (Cambridge, UK) and Amanda Turner (Leeds, UK).

Speaker 1 (14:00-15:00 UTC):  Vittoria Silvestri (University of Rome La Sapienza).

Title: Analysis of stochastic evolutions in infinite dimensions: application to stability of the Hastings-Levitov models

Abstract: Martingales play a important role in the analysis of stochastic processes, in particular in demonstrating
laws of large numbers and central limit behaviour. Motivated by the Aggregate Loewner Evolution models discussed in the preceding talk, I will discuss an interplay between martingale inequalities and Lp-multiplier estimates which allows to extend the use of martingales in an infinite-dimensional setting. (This is joint work with Vittoria Silvestri (Rome, La Sapienza) and Amanda Turner (Leeds).)

Speaker 2 (15:00-16:00 UTC): James Norris (University of Cambridge).


Meeting ID: 699 0640 9670
Passcode: 081765