Dear all,
it is a pleasure to announce the forthcoming seminar by Athena Picarelli (Università di Verona), which will be held in person room 2BC30 of the Mathematics Department (Torre Archimede) of the University of Padova and online, via Zoom, this Friday.
Here are the details:
* Date and time: 17 December, 14.30 pm
* Title: Optimal management of pumped hydroelectric production with state constrained optimal control
* Abstract:
We present a novel technique to solve the problem of managing optimally a pumped hydroelectric storage system. This technique relies on representing the system as a stochastic optimal control problem with state constraints, these latter corresponding to the finite volume of the reservoirs. Following the recent level-set approach presented in O. Bokanowski, A. Picarelli, H. Zidani, State-constrained stochastic optimal control problems via reachability approach, SIAM J. Control and Optim. 54 (5) (2016), we transform the original constrained problem in an auxiliary unconstrained one in augmented state and control spaces, obtained by introducing an exact penalization of the original state constraints. The latter problem is fully treatable by classical dynamic programming arguments.
* Zoom link: please visit the webpage
Thanks for your attention and see you soon in Padova,
Giorgia Callegaro