il Prof. Sebastian Andres  terrà  un seminario in Sala di Consiglio al Dipartimento di Matematica dell' Università La Sapienza , Lunedì 9 Maggio alle ore 16:00 (sotto i dettagli).

Grazie dell'attenzione
Time: Monday 9 May 2022, at 16:00 

Rome: Sala di Consiglio, Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome

Speaker: Sebastian Andres (Manchester University)

Title: First passage percolation with long-range correlations 

In this talk we consider first passage percolation (FPP) with passage times generated by a general class of models with long-range correlations, including discrete Gaussian free fields as a prominent example. We will discuss conditions under which the associated time constant is positive and the FPP distance is comparable to the Euclidean distance. We will also present two applications to random conductance models (RCM) with possibly unbounded and strongly correlated conductances, namely a Gaussian heat kernel upper bound for RCMs with a general class of speed measures, and an exponential decay estimate for the Green function of RCMs with random killing measures. This talk is based on a joined work with Alexis Prévost (Cambridge).

Prof. Alessandra Faggionato

Department of Mathematics
University "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 - Rome

Office 5, Phone  (0039)  06 49913252