La ricerca verterà sullo studio e sull'uso di tecniche probabilistiche (limiti di scala, fluttuazioni, grandi deviazioni) nell'ambito di sistemi stocastici interagenti di vario tipo, con una particolare attenzione agli aspetti geometrici di essi.
Trovate i dettagli del bando al fondo di questa email.
Vi preghiamo di diffondere con chiunque pensiate possa essere interessata/o.
Cordiali saluti,
Luisa Andreis, Gianmarco Bet e Daniele Angella
ENGLISH VERSION————————————————————
Dear colleagues,
A call for a 1 year post-doc position (with possibility of extension to a second year) is open at the Mathematics Department in Florence, with deadline March 22, 2022.
The project aims to study and use probabilistic techniques (scaling limits, fluctuations, large deviations) in the framework of interacting random systems, with a particular focus on their geometrical aspects.
You find the details of the call at the bottom of this email.
Please, feel free to forward this announcement to whoever you think might be interested.
Best regards,
Luisa Andreis, Gianmarco Bet e Daniele Angella
DETAILS OF THE CALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title of the project: "Probabilistic aspects and geometrical properties of interacting random systems”
Principal Investigators: Luisa Andreis, Gianmarco Bet, Daniele Angella (University of Florence)