Si avvisa che in data 13-06-2024, alle ore 11:00 precise

presso l'Area della Ricerca 1 del CNR, in sala A, il Dr. Andrea Brancaccio, CNR-IMATI, terrą un seminario dal titolo

Adaptive Assessment of Knowledge and Planning Using Knowledge Space Theory

Sunto: Adaptive individual assessment utilizes algorithms that adjust to each individual's ability based on their responses. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the development and implementation of adaptive assessments using Knowledge Space Theory. It will also explore the theoretical foundations underlying this approach, highlighting its benefits and applications in educational and performance-based contexts. In these settings, this approach develops tools that minimize the number of questions asked while maximizing the information gathered about an individual's knowledge, competencies, abilities, and performance.

Gli interessati possono partecipare in presenza o da remoto, attraverso il link sotto riportato. Per ragioni organizzative, gli interessati a partecipare in presenza sono pregati di rispondere a questa mail indicando la loro intenzione entro la mattina stessa del seminario.


Antonella Bodini