Dear all,

as you may already be aware, there is a recent coronavirus epidemic going around in China, which may have raised concerns in attending the
BAYSM 2020 meeting in China late June  . As a satellite meeting of the 2020 ISBA
World Meeting (Kunming, China, June 29-July 03), we would like to cite the email that ISBA Program Council just sent to ISBA members to
address the coronavirus concerns and ISBA World Meeting in China:

"We are keeping a close eye on the development. While at this point we are cautiously optimistic that the epidemic will not last till June,
both as a result of the extraordinary measure that China is taking to contain the spread, and as cold-like coronaviruses generally don't
spread effectively as temperature rises in spring. However, we want to stay cautious and keep options open, and will take the necessary
actions to ensure the health and safety of our community."

We are holding the same position as the ISBA Program Council and will keep you all updated of any changes in the plan of the meeting.
Particularly, if the epidemic is not contained in the next couple of months, and thus the community participating in the meeting will be
subject to health risk, we will consider alternatives such as postponing the BaYSM Meeting. 

For now, we have decided to extend the early registration deadline as follows.

Deadline for submissions: May 1 2020 23:59 CST
End of review process: May 23 2020
Early registration: June 01 2020
Late registration: June 15 2020

Thank you for your support of our BaYSM Meeting. We hope that the epidemic will be over soon and we will see you all in Kunming at the
BaYSM this June.

Best Regards,
On behalf of the organizing committee
Federico Camerlenghi

Federico Camerlenghi
Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.