Università di Milano-Bicocca


Il prof. Wolfgang Woess (TU Graz, Austria), mercoledì 27 settembre, alle ore 14:30, nella stanza 3014 del Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni (terzo piano U5), terrà un seminario dal titolo

Boundary behaviour of branching Markov chains

We study multitype branching Markov chains on denumerable state(= type)
spaces in discrete time. It is supposed that the offspring distributions
satisfy a uniform "L log L" moment condition with state-independent
expected offspring number, and that the associated "base" Markov chain on
the state space is transient and irreducible. Given the population at time
n at the different states, we normalize it by dividing by its total
number. The  resulting empirical distribution is a random probability
measure on the state space. Assuming that the latter is equipped with 
a "geometric" compactification with a boundary at infinity, a main
focus is on the question whether the sequence of empirical
distributions converges a.s. weakly to a random probability
distribution on the boundary.
This is joint work with Vadim A. Kaimanovich (Ottawa),
to appear in Ann. Inst Poincare' Prob. Stat.
There is related, parallel work by Candellero and Hutchcroft.

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