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From: eric.moulines@polytechnique.edu
Date: 12 Oct 2019 at 09:33 +0200
To: 'Julyan Arbel' <julyan.arbel@inria.fr>
Subject: TR: offre de post-doc

As a consequence of its recent funding by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), the ABSint research group is recruiting a post-doctoral collaborator for up to 21 months. The accronym ABSint stands for Approximate Bayesian solutions for inference on large datasets and complex models. The project involves researchers in Paris, Saclay, Montpellier, Lyon and Nice. This second call seeks candidates with an excellent research record interested to collaborate more closely with members on the ABSint team located in Saclay, at institutions such as Institut Polytechnique de Paris  (e.g. Nicolas Chopin and Eric Moulines), Université Paris Saclay, on any topic (broadly) relevant to ABSint and to these researchers' interests.

Applications can be submitted in either English or French.
The candidate must obtain a PhD degree by the date of application.
Good working knowledge of English is required.
Estimated salary is around 2500 EUR with taxes, depending on experience since PhD.
Position opened December 1, 2019, with possible accommodation for later start.
Call opened until position filled.
Candidates should contact Nicolas Chopin (mail address: 
nicolas.chopin@ensae.fr) with a vita and a motivation letter. Letters of recommendation can also be sent to the same address.