RTD-B position in Mathematical Methods for Economics, Finance
and Actuarial Science in Milano - call for interest
The Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) of the University of Milano launches a call for expressions of interest to identify potential candidates for a RTD-B position in the sector 13/D4 (SECS-S/06), Mathematical Methods for Economics, Finance
and Actuarial Science.
The Department has been recently financed by the Italian Ministry of
Education, University and Research under the program “Departments of
Excellence” for the 2018/2022 period.
Requests for information and expressions of interest, including a CV with publication record, must be sent to
davide.parenti@unimi.itby March 31, 2019.
Please note that this is a call
for interest, not a job vacancy announcement.
The Department will advertise job vacancies later in the year.