Ricevo e inoltro volentieri.

Francesca Pistolato

Begin forwarded message:

From: Laurent LOOSVELDT <laurent.loosveldt@uni.lu>
Subject: thesis scholarship offer at University of Luxembourg
Date: 9 November 2022 at 17:34:29 CET
To: Francesca PISTOLATO <francesca.pistolato@uni.lu>

Dear colleagues,
We have funding for a thesis grant which will start in September 2023 at the University of Luxembourg. The research project lies in between probability and analysis, more specifically multifractal, functional, and stochastic analysis.
We are looking for a high-level candidate and would be very pleased if you could convey the message below to potentially interested students. You can tell them that they do not hesitate to contact us if they have any questions.
Also, do not hesitate to forward this announcement to your colleagues.
We thank you very much in advance!
Laurent Loosveldt and Ivan Nourdin
Dear master students,

With this message, we would like to invite you to apply for a thesis scholarship offer (start: Sept. 2023) funded by the University of Luxembourg (UL).

We are looking for a candidate with high potential, interested in preparing a thesis at the interface between multifractal, functional and stochastic analysis. Research interests may include, for instance:
  • Regularity of stochastic processes
  • Wavelet representations of stochastic processes
  • Local times of stochastic processes
  • Fractal dimensions
  • Multifractional processes
  • Function spaces adapted to study these notions
  • Analysis on Wiener chaos
  • Malliavin calculus
Working conditions at UL are excellent: we are located at Belval University, in brand new and very well equipped modern premises. The scientific activities are numerous: seminars, working groups, conferences. The daily atmosphere is very pleasant (many discussions and small events of all kinds punctuate the days) and multicultural (there are people of all nationalities). The salary is very competitive.

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards,
Laurent Loosveldt
Chercheur Postdoctoral à l'Université du Luxembourg
Département de Mathématique
Maison du Nombre
6, Avenue de la Fonte
4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
Grand Duché du Luxembourg
Téléphone : (+352) 46 66 44 9818
