Please find below the announcement of the 12th edition of the ABS (Applied Bayesian Statistics) summer school. Like in the past two years, the 2015 school will be held in the magnificent Villa del Grumello, in Como (Italy), on the Lake Como shore.
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri ABS15 Directors Raffaele Argiento ABS15 Executive Director
This course covers the theoretical and applied foundations of Bayesian statistical analysis with an emphasis on computational tools for Bayesian hierarchical models. We will discuss model checking, model assessment, and model comparison. The course will cover Bayesian stochastic simulation (Markov chain Monte Carlo) in depth with an orientation towards deriving important properties of the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis Hastings algorithm. Extensions and hybrids will be discussed. We will then use Markov chain Monte Carlo tools to fit linear and nonlinear specifications with multiple levels, longitudinal features, and non-normal distributional assumptions. Lectures will include theoretical discussions of modeling and estimation as well as practical guidance for fitting complex multilevel models with R and JAGS software. Applications will be drawn from political science,sociology, epidemiology, economic policy, and public administration. Participants are expected to understand linear regression in matrix algebra terminology, have some exposure to R, and know basic statistical inference.
The school will be as usual, with lectures and practical sessions (run by a junior researcher), participants' talks, free Wednesday afternoon, start on Monday after lunch and ending on Friday before lunch. Accommodation is available either at the Villa guesthouse or in downtown hotels. Como can be easily reached by train from Milano and its airports. More details are available on the website.