Dear colleagues,
please note the time change of Davide Addona's talk on Monday May 8, due to overlap with Prisma seminars.

New time: 12:30-13:30 (Rome time zone).

Place: Aula Seminari - III piano (third floor), Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano.

Zoom link:
ID riunione: 990 3707 8775
Passcode: 115598

Best regards
The organizers (Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi, Margherita Zanella)

Da: Margherita Zanella via Random <>
Inviato: martedì 2 maggio 2023 13:46
A: <>
Oggetto: [Random] PMS^2 hybrid talk: Davide Addona, Monday May 8 at 16.30.
Dear colleagues,

we are happy to announce the hybrid - that is, in person with online streaming - talk of the (PMS)^2 series:

Speaker: Davide Addona (Università di Parma)

Title: Young equations in infinite dimension with singularities.

Abstract: In this talk I will present some new results about Young differential equations in infinite dimension with “non smooth” initial datum. During the talk I will introduce the concept of Young integral for non smooth paths defined by Young in 1936 and an algebraic approach to integration with respect to non smooth paths due to Gubinelli in 2004, whose generalization allows to consider abstract Cauchy problems driven by an irregular path. At last, if I will have time, I will give an idea of the of the theory of rough paths started by Terry Lions in 1998 and developed by other authors in the last twenty years.

Date and time: Monday May 8, 16:30-17:30 (Rome time zone).

Place: Aula Seminari - III piano (third floor), Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano - Ed. 14 “Nave” Campus Bonardi.
(Accesso pedonale da: Via A.M. Ampère, 2 - Milano, Via E. Bonardi, 9 - Milano, Via G. Ponzio, 31 - Milano).

ID riunione: 995 8593 3153
Passcode: 962170

This is a talk of the (PMS)^2: Pavia-Milano Seminar series on Probability and Mathematical Statistics organized jointly by the universities Milano-Bicocca, Pavia and Milano-Politecnico. For more information see the dedicated webpage:

Participation is free and welcome!

Best regards
The organizers (Carlo Orrieri, Maurizia Rossi, Margherita Zanella)