*****COVID-19 update: the CREDIT 2021 Conference is both onsite
and online but we are ready to move the conference remotely, if
Conference CREDIT 2021 will bring together academics,
practitioners and PhD students working in various areas of
financial and credit risk with the aim to create a unique
opportunity for participants to discuss research progress and
policy and industry-relevant insights as well as directions for
future research.
CREDIT 2021 is the twentieth in a series of events dedicated to various aspects of credit risk and organised under the auspices of the Department of Economics and VERA – Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies - of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, ABI - Italian Banking Association, AIAF - Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi Finanziaria and the Joint Research Center, European Commission (Ispra, Italy).
Thursday, September 23 2021
08.30 Registration
• Keynote talk: TBA - Vittoria Colizza, French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, Paris
• Learning about Unprecedented Events: Agent-Based Modelling and the Stock Market Impact of COVID-19 - Roberto Savona, University of Brescia (join with Davide Bazzana and Michele Colturato)11.00 Coffee break
• Credit Demand and Financial Constraints in Non-Financial Recessions: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic - Tor Jacobson, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm (join with Niklas Amberg)
• Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations - Karsten Müller, Princeton University (join with Emil Verner)
• Climate Change Regulatory Risks and Bank Lending - Eleonora Sfrappini, IWH - Halle Institute for Economic Research (join with Isabella Mueller)
• Required Capital for Long Run Risks - Alain Monfort, CREST (join with Christian Gouriéroux and Jean-Paul Renne)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Session III: ESG (EIBURS Project ESG-Credit.eu)
• Keynote talk: Silencing the Noise: ESG Confusion and Stock Returns - Roberto Rigobon, MIT Sloan School of Management
• The Salience of ESG Ratings: Evidence from Possible Investor Confusion - Loriana Pelizzon, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt, Ca' Foscari University of Venice & CEPR (join with Aleksandra Rzeznik and Kathleen Weiss Hanley)16.15 Coffee break and POSTER SESSION
• Green Sentiment, Stock Returns, and Corporate Behavior - Stefano Ramelli, University of Zurich (join with Marie Brìere)
16.45 Session IV: Compounding Risks (World Bank joint project)
Social dinner• TBA - Nicola Ann Ranger, World Bank & Oxford University
• Assessing the Macrofinancial Impacts of Compouding COVID-19 and Climate Risks - Irene Monasterolo, Vienna University of Economics and Business & Boston University
• Keynote talk: Climate Financial Risk: Portfolios and Stress Tests - Robert F. Engle, New York University11.00 Coffee break
• Accounting for Finance is Key for Climate Mitigation Pathways - Stefano Battiston, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & University of Zurich (join with Irene Monasterolo, Keywan Riahi and Bas J. van Ruijven)
• When Do investors Go Green? Evidence from a Time-varying Asset-pricing Model - Lucia Alessi, European Commission, Joint Research Centre & Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (join with Elisa Ossola and Roberto Panzica)
• Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Mortgage Risks and Their Evolution under Climate Change: the Case of Florida - Luca Zanin, Prometeia, Bologna (join with Raffaella Calabrese, Timothy Dombrowski, Antoine Mandel and R. Kelley Pace)16.00 Coffee break and POSTER SESSION
• Housing and Mortgage Markets with Climate-Change Risk: Evidence from Wildfires in California - Richard Stanton, Haas School of Business, U.C. Berkeley (join with Paulo Issler, Carles Vergara-Alert and Michela Rancan)
• Floods and Firms: Vulnerabilities and Resilience to Natural Disasters in Europe - Gábor Kátay, European Commission (join with Serena Fatica and Michela Rancan)
• Sustainability or Performance? Ratings and Fund Managers’ Incentives - Nickolay Gantchev, University of Warwick, CEPR, & ECGI (join with Mariassunta Giannetti and Rachel Li)
• Measuring the Lifecycle Relative Carbon Footprint and Carbon Intensity of European Sustainable Investment Funds by Means of Environmentally Extended Input-Output Models - Ioana-Stefania Popescu, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology & University of Luxembourg (join with Thomas Gibon, Claudia Hitaj, Mirco Rubin and Enrico Benetto)
To register for the Conference you are requested to complete the registration form that is available on our website (https://www.greta.it/index.php/it/credit-2021).
Registration fees are:
PhD Students*: |
75 Euro + VAT |
Onsite participation**: |
200 Euro + VAT |
Online participation***: |
200 Euro + VAT |
VAT is currently 22%
* Students will have to provide valid proof of their student status.
** Seats are limited in compliance with the new regulations to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The onsite registration fees cover admission to all scientific sessions, lunches, and coffee service during the Conference.
The onsite registration fees do not fully cover the conference dinner on September 23rd, 2021, for which there is an extra charge of 90.00 Euro per person (conference attendees as well as accompanying persons).
The online registration fees cover access to the platform on September 23rd and 24th, interactivity with authors and other participants.
More detailed information soon available on the Conference website: